It was a little over a year ago when Real started dropping these pushing parts from their riders, but this one was my favorite one. You don’t expect a whole lot when a guy is going to film some clips for the web, but BOOM, this guy films a full part. Skates fast and has some big ups. Back smiths a rail from flat at :41. Because he skates so fast and pops his tricks you don’t even realize that most of this part is just going down some random street doing flat ground tricks. It’s like they just parked the car got out and started filming. I’ve watched kids meet at the shop and spend 2 hours trying to figure out where they are going skating. Jake shuts down the rail at 2:11 and the kickflip front feeble at 2:40 is gnarly. Jake has now gone pro and is well deserved. Spend a day looking up parts from him and get stoked.