What Kev’s Watching : Frank Gerwer and Andrew Allen

As the guys have been wrapping up the Iowonders video I have been trying to give them some pump up speeches and I can’t just keep calling them pussies so I started looking for things online. JFK gave some good talks, Martin Luther King Jr. nailed some speeches. I even found a Bush Sr. one I liked, but then I remembered these Frank Gerwer talks and boom, found what I was looking for. I’m not as cleaver as Frank, but this is what it sounds like in a skate shop when the bros are hanging out in the shop. For some reason ball busting is how we show our love in the shop.

The first thing I said when we put G Puck on the team was “Let’s hope he brings the chicks to the party.” So watch it and have a nice laugh and remember that busting balls is liking saying I Love You
