My advice to you.
I am a true believer in putting rad people in your life and it will rub off. As skateboarders you should get it what I am saying. You have that group of bros you skate with and feed off one another. So what if you applied that to everything?
I am a man who loves his comfort zone, but I just got back from Mexico with the best group of bros. Now that’s a big deal because forever I said that I never really cared about leaving the good soil of America. Over a year ago I texted Jeff {shop owner} and said we should pick a spot to all meet for a weekend and have some fun. Reason for this was normally when I get to see Jeff is when he is back in Des Moines and normally we are super busy doing stuff for the shop and don’t really get to fully bro down. So for awhile random texts got sent with different ideas until the final text from Jeff saying how about “Mexico” and of course I said “Yes” duh. The reason for Mexico was that Heath and Jeff’s were really doing it trip would end in Mexico. Which most of you know about, but if you don’t I highly recommend checking it out here and it shows my point of keeping rad people doing rad stuff in your life. So back to the story. A group of people all gathered in Mexico and had a great time.
This isn’t to brag about what we did this is to show you to put awesome people in your life and awesome things will happen. I left this trip feeling inspired. Wanting to learn to do more things.
Bucky made a little 60 second video of what was his vision and it is awesome.
Baja Bros 2014 from Bucky Gonzalez on Vimeo.
Keep epic people in your life and in return epic things will happen and you will do epic stuff.
An to my Baja Bros I love you all and thank you for letting me be apart of your epic lives.