Holiday Time.

Here is some help for your holiday shopping.


If you are asking for a new deck tell your parents or parents ask what brand and size. This makes things a lot easier on us if we have that info. This goes for wheels as well.
Parents if you don’t know this info that is fine. We won’t put grip on. That way if we choose the wrong one they will be able to switch it out after xmas.


If you have someone looking to get their first board, we got you covered.This will save mom and dad some money, but still gives them the real feeling of how a skateboard should feel like. Sorry, that board from Walmart is not a skateboard.


We have lots of hats and beanies which everyone loves. Beanies can make great stocking stuffers and speaking of stuff for the stockings we have lots of other goodies as well. Socks,wax,stickers and even bearings.


All jackets are 40-50% OFF. Other deals we have going right now are buy one, get one 30% off on regular price clothes and shoes. We have changed our 40% OFF is changed to all clothes on the wall our 50% OFF and all shoes are $35
