Before I get started on telling you what I think is good about Dakota Servold’s part in the Foundation video WTF I would like to tell you that the whole video is great. Good skating and good soundtrack. After I watched this video for the first time I really thought that kids are gonna get amped on Foundation again. Well it didn’t happen or at least not here. What can you do?
So back to this part here. I will start off by saying I am a big fan of Dakota and I think you should be too. So here are my key points of this video.
1- I am 36 years old, so skating to Minor Threat is always a good thing.
2- Tailslide at 0:40 on a weird curved rail and come out regular is so good. With the rail being curved it would be way easier to come out fakie, but Dakota knew coming out regular would look way better.
3- Half cab to 50/50 on a rail at 1:06 I love this trick on anything.
4- At 2:14 he front board slides a kinked hubba that is so close to being too wide and if you have ever done a board slide on something like that you know how tricky that can be.
So watch his part and then look up the whole video and then come in and buy his board.